YEM review - 08/09/98 Virginia Beach Ampitheatre, Virginia Beach, VA
review submisions to me, dan schar at [email protected]
or [email protected]
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 08:10:49 -0700
From: Charles Dirksen [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: 8/9/98 You Enjoy Myself
08/09/98 Virginia Beach Ampitheatre, Virginia Beach, VA
Some folks think this show is overrated. I think it's above-average
musically for summer 1998 (even though it doesn't have nearly as cool
a setlist as 8/8/98 Merriweather -- the show with a killer setlist but
basically nothing musically above-average/great or worth hearing on
tape, IMO). This VA Beach gig is worth checking out for the Bathtub
Gin, jam out of Bag, and the sentimental Terrapin (E). Definitely not
worth checking out for this YEM, though. ;-P
Opening segment contains some enchanting vibes in the first few
minutes (the "pre-Nirvana" segment), but is nothing special. Nirvana
at 3:33 and it's beautiful as always. Mike's solo section at 4:20, or
so, and he's upbeat and melodic! He plays a surprising number of
notes. He's usually more reserved. The pre-charge section is strong
and tight. Brad brings out the trampolines during it (judging by
crowd noise). Have I said how much Fishman kicks ass on drums
recently?! Damn..
"Boy" at 6:53 after an excellent scream. Trey scats a bit in the
BMGS/WUDMTF segment (mimicking his guitar riffs with his voice; vocal
jamming a wee bit), which, IMO, is always cool to hear. Tramps jam
kicks in at 8:59. Page starts SMOKING on keys around 10 mins, as Mike
and Trey get off the tramps and accompany Page funkily. This goes on
for the next minute and a half...
At 11:40, Mike and Fish jam for a measure or two unaccompanied by Trey
and Page. There hasn't really been a start to the "jam segment" yet,
which is, of course, extremely odd. Then Trey and Page come back in,
tooling around. Trey starts soloing melodically in the lower octaves
of his 'doc, at first.. before climbing up the frets. Maybe there will
be a jam segment after all. Hmmm. The jam at this point (12:40) is
very mellow, and soft.. nothing too rough. I love Fish's
accompaniment, though. He's very, very active, despite the softness
of this YEM.
Uuhhh, this is a very strange YEM. Around 14 mins, when most YEMs
would be cooking and SCREAMING, this version is quiet. Appears to be
seguing into a vocal jam already, which is [snip obscenities] Highly
Unorthodox. There's almost nothing going on (14:20). Trey is playing
very softly. In fact, at 14:28, I hear NO INSTRUMENTS. Silent
jamming? [turns up stereo] Holy shit, they've started vocal jamming
already. Whispering, basically. Whistling from someone around 15:52.
Very quiet, sssssoft whispery noises. Some shhhhhiiiiiiissshhew-like
sounds (16:20). The crowd is really into this. (?) Strong
accompaniment from Chris on lightboard? Around 16:49, the VJ starts
getting rhythmic, and the throng starts clapping along.
At 17:48, Trey lets out a chord or two on his geeetar, and Fish starts
rolling on the cymbals. Bizarre effects are unleashed (18:20). I
don't hear any more vocal jamming. Just noise (19:01). Frankenstein
kicks in > at 19:12.
No rating for this YEM. It didn't have a Jam Segment for christ's
sake. And there was instrumentation out of the vocal jam before the
next tune (which also almost never happens). It's an easy N/R. If I
never hear this version again, then that'll be just fine with me. You
might like it. And if you do, please let everyone know why and throw
your own two cents into the forum...
two cents,
hits (many)