YEM review - 11/29/98 Worcester Centrum, Worcester, MA
review submisions to me at [email protected]
or [email protected]
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 08:30:48 -0700
From: Charles Dirksen [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: 11/29/98 Worcester YEM (excellent version) in review
11/29/98 Worcester Centrum, Worcester, MA
1998 tends to get a bad rap (at least among oldbies of varying degrees
of jadedness/pomposity), but this show's second set contains
spectacular versions of Gin and YEM and ought to be heard. I think it
is a top ten 1998 show, hands down.
This YEM's opening isn't especially noteworthy. A drawn-out
pre-"Snoopy" section ("Snoopy" comes finally at 4:13), but nothing
unusual -- just the typical spacey, harmonic haze. Mike's solo
section at 5 is rather odd. He employs this bizarre effect and plays
an eerie, slow, little riff. Trampolines get brought out during the
pre-charge section, as usual (you can tell because of the cheers from
the crowd). Trey's first shot at "the Note" is strong, as is his
soloing about it. This whole pre-charge segment is pretty tight. The
second "Note" is sustained as usual, but doesn't quite sound as if it
is pitched quite right. OH well. Charge at 7:32 or so and, naturally,
"Boy" at 7:50 after a hearty scream. BMGS/WUDMTF segment is punchy
and tight, but Trey doesn't utter the "Boy man, wash uffizi drive me
to Firenzi" lyrics inbetween the group verses. Dunno why. Tramps jam
at 10:10, and Page begins noodling on keys. Mike drops phat bombs to
signal the tramps moves, but he also jams along spiritedly with Fish
and Page (in the last few years he has been playing more and more
along with Page and Fish -- while simultaneously bouncing on the
tramps -- than he ever used to.. he used to just hit a note or three
to signal the turns). Trey comes back in at 11:10 rhythmically
chording along with the groove.
At 11:30 Trey starts repeating these really catchy chords that will
become the primary "theme" of this YEM. Page is still smoking the
keys, and Mike -- as Trey is just repeating a catchy riff -- is
melodiously funking away, up and down the frets, tearing up the bottom
with Fish. It's a very, very RICH groove (12:53), one that even
someone who can't hear at all would be compelled to groove to -- the
bottom is just so phat that it vibrates you. Musta been hella fun at
the show!
At 13:26 Trey repeats this riff that, for whatever reason, gives me
chills... It's just so damn catchy, and in light of the accompaniment
by the others, IT'S THRILLING! I wish I'd had the chance to dance my
ass off to this at the show! Trey climbs his 'doc a bit with this riff
(just a bit), but doesn't peak it. The whole groove kinda drops back
around 14:40.. quiets/calms down. It's still funky, but soothingly
so.. it isn't as furiously funky as it had been. They milk this
groove for all it's got, though, steadily re-building the fervor and
the depth that it had earlier -- and Trey starts repeating that catchy
riff again at 15:45. Very simple riff, to be sure, but I love it! =^]
The collectivity of this jam is awesome. I love what Page plays in
here (16:30), along with Mike and Fish, as Trey chooses to chord along
complimentarily (he doesn't lead.. nothing flashy or Rock Star Trey
about this YEM at all). Trey moves into the higher octaves for a
measure or two around 17 mins, before dropping back down a few octaves
to groove along with da Boyz some more. And around 18 or so, Mike
takes off! Page and Trey hang in there, though, offering support to
Mike's fierce lead bass.
Around 19 the jam cools off mightily, even though Mike continues to
pound out the bottom with Fish. Trey starts goofing off with a
high-pitched effect -- very squeaky, quiet noises from him. The jam
cools off steadily and a vocal jam begins at 20:10 or so. Fish plays
light drums for a few measures (until 20:39) into this vocal jam. The
vocal jam contains a great deal of sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhew sorts of
vocalizations. The crowd gets really into it (perhaps due to Kuroda's
accompaniment on lightboard?), but it's just another
freakish-twisted-great vocal jam to these ears. Total time 23:54. (it
also ends rather abruptly -- it is probably one of the shortest vocal
jams of the last few years, too)
Even though there was no real "climax" to the jam segment, no real
PEAK, and nothing special about the first ten minutes, I really love
the riff that Trey plays off of -- and the collectivity of this YEM as
a whole. And Mike just TEARS IT UP. This funkasaurus gets an A-. Check
it out.
two cents,
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hits (many)